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£ 30

Christmas Pudding 1lb


We know how much you love our Cinnamon Club’s legendary Garam Masala Christmas Pudding, and it became a tradition for us to make sure we have some ready for you every year, and this year will not be any different. Our Christmas Pudding can now be yours at home.

A gorgeous 1lb pudding for £30.00 (delivery fee not included)

Once taken home to re-heat you can simply steam for ideal quality or microwave if you are feeling impatient. Your pudding will come with complete instructions on how to reheat & serve.

Available for nationwide delivery. Place your orders by Monday the 18th of December to be delivered from 20th to the 22nd of December. Guaranteed delivery prior to Christmas Eve. 

Cinnamon Xmas Pudding ALLERGEN Analysis


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  • Christmas Pudding 1lb
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  • £ 8

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